Thursday, August 28, 2014

Giving Watches a Touch of Luxury

Watches have always drawn the best of imagination from people all around the world. Although it’s deemed as a mere apparel, not many see it that way. A thought best explained when someone turns up to work or school with a new watch wrapped around their wrists, it immediately catches the attention of colleagues, starting an active, animated conversation.

The reason being, despite contradictory opinions, watches have always been more than just an apparel. It is rather an object of luxury and pride. Ergo, so much of research are undertaken to provide the most stupendous watch ever to be made available for the market. Various horologists have dedicated their lifetime in search of manufacturing the perfect watch that satisfies every need and aspect that’s expected from a timepiece. It has to be mentioned that such efforts have more often than not yield successful result.

swiss luxury watches

The mother of all luxury watches

Swiss luxury watches fall into that category. For over a century, Swiss manufactures have set a yardstick in the watch manufacturing industry that has been hard to surpass by their counterparts. The reason being, they have constantly defined and redefined the art of watch making in every aspect conceivable. However, what defines a watch as a Swiss luxury watches? Let’s see
  • The movement of the watches needs to originate from the country of Switzerland
  • The entire set of the watch should be cased and arranged in Switzerland
  • At least 50% of the components that makes up the watch should be from Switzerland

To conclude, among various luxury watches, Swiss watches by far rule the roost and there seems to be no probable adversary at sight.